Phippy is a simple PHP app, exploring the cloud native world with her friends.

Meet the family

Adventurous and responsible, Phippy is the leader of the pack

Always on the go, this little gopher is an avid jazz fan

Interns at her local zoo and can’t sleep without her racoon plushie

Captain Kube
Often mistaken for being angry, but it’s really just his eyebrows!

Has some cheeky tattoos – AUTHZ on one claw and AUTHN on the other

Enjoys curling up in a ball to watch a good movie

His claws are stronger than titanium, but he only uses them to code

This smart owl always has everything under control

Loves huddling with his buddies

Loves nothing more than to protect your packages from the bad guys

Who's next?
Find out below how to join the Phippy family by graduating your project
Donate a Phippy family Character
Are you a maintainer on a graduated project? Do you want to help others better understand the concepts of cloud native computing? Donate a character to the Phippy and friends family, and help folx take their first steps to #TeamCloudNative, while increasing the marketing and engagement opportunities for your project.

Phippy & friends level up!

The Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes
The Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes is a simple, gentle answer a father gave his daughter when she inquisitively asked about Kubernetes. It’s dedicated to all the parents who try to explain software engineering to their children.

Phippy Goes to the Zoo
Follow the tale of Phippy and her niece Zee as they take an educational trip to the Kubernetes Zoo.

Admiral Bash’s Island Adventure
Admiral Bash’s ship has been sunk by pirates and his mainframe is at the bottom of the sea! Washed up on a deserted island, join Admiral Bash as he navigates his cloud native transformation, helped by Phippy, Zee, Captain Kube, Goldie, Linky, Hazel and some very special new friends.

From 00-K8s with Love
Agent 00-K8s has to deliver a super secret package as quickly and safely as possible. Will she be able to do it?

Phippy and Zee go to the Mountains
Another work featuring Phippy and friends: Join Phippy and Zee on a 4-dimensional hike!

Phippy In Space: Adventures in Cloud-Native Recovery
In the not-so-distant future, space outposts (cloud-native infrastructure) are the next frontier for settlement and Captain Kube is in charge of the cutting-edge Mars outpost. As the outpost has grown in size and complexity, Captain Kube needs to find solutions for many of the settlement’s growing pains. He has recruited Phippy to work with him on the outpost’s Day 2 challenges. Join them on their adventure, as they journey to Mars and brainstorm solutions.

Phippy’s Quest for Cloud Native Transformation
Phippy is discussing her business challenges with Captain Kube to make the most of an upcoming big sale. Join their discussion on how to be truly cloud native.
Phippy & Friends in CNCF Store
The characters Phippy, Captain Kube, Zee, Linky and Hazel are owned by The Linux Foundation, on behalf of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), which means that you can remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. If you use the characters, please include the text “” to provide attribution (and online, please include a link to
Goldie is based on the Go Gopher, created by Renee French, which is also licensed under CC-BY.
Images of Phippy, Captain Kube, Goldie, Zee, Linky and Hazel are available in the CNCF artwork repo in svg and png formats and in color, black, and white.
The characters Phippy, Captain Kube, Zee, and the books: The Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes and Phippy goes to the Zoo,were created by Matt Butcher, Karen Chu, and Bailey Beougher and donated by Microsoft to CNCF.
The book: Admiral Bash’s Island Adventure was created by Simon Forster, Danielle Cook, John Forster and Robert Glenn, and illustrated by Nadine Wiese.
Linky was donated to the CNCF by Buoyant, and represents the Linkerd project. Hazel was donated to the CNCF by Helm maintainers Matt Butcher and Karen Chu, and represents the Helm project.