The Headlines
Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.
Kubernetes 1.12: Kubelet TLS Bootstrap and Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) Move to General Availability (
1.12 Release Team,
This release continues to focus on internal improvements and graduating features to stable in Kubernetes. This newest version graduates key features such as security and Azure. Notable additions in this release include two highly-anticipated features graduating to general availability: Kubelet TLS Bootstrap and Support for Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS).
SIG-Node, with Dawn Chen (
Craig Box, Adam Glick, & Dawn Chen, Kubernetes Podcast
Dawn Chen, TL for SIG-Node and the Google Kubernetes Engine node team, joins Craig and Adam this week. She has worked on containers and container schedulers since 2007 – not a typo.
Unbabel Migrated to Kubernetes and You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! (
Pedro Arvela, Unbabel
At the start of 2018, Unbabel’s DevOps team set out to solve these rising issues. Our goal was to make deploys faster and easier for developers, reduce the time it takes to scale a project’s resources up or down, and automate as much as possible any extra configurations for logging, application metrics, and resource control. Ideally, even make them invisible to the projects themselves. After some investigation, Kubernetes seemed to offer what we were after
New Webinar: Canary Deployments with Kubernetes and Istio
Jason Yee – Technical Evangelist, Datadog
October 9 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT
The Technical
Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.
Health checking gRPC servers on Kubernetes (
Ahmet Alp Balkan, Google
KubeDirector: The easy way to run complex stateful applications on Kubernetes (
Thomas Phelan, BlueData
Kubernetes: The Surprisingly Affordable Platform for Personal Projects (–the-surprisingly-affordable-platform-for-personal-projects)
Caleb Doxsey,
Tutorial: Kubernetes for Orchestrating IoT Edge Deployments (
Janakiram MSV, The New Stack
Kubernetes Networking (
Sahiti Kappagantula, DZone
Tools for App Development on Kubernetes – Ksync (
Anita Buehrle, Weaveworks
Container Security Part 3 – Kubernetes Cheat Sheet (
Haydn Johnson, Points
Deploying JHipster Microservices on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) (
Deepu K Sasidharan, XebiaLabs
Enable Rolling updates in Kubernetes with Zero downtime (
Nilesh Jayanandana, Platformer
Take the Wheel: Driving Kubernetes with Helm (
John Ellis, High Alpha
The Editorial
Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.
What is Kubernetes? Optimise your hosting costs and efficiency (
Daniele Polencic, learnsk8s
The cloud in 2019: ( Multicloud ( , serverless computing, and Kubernetes containers (
David Linthicum, InfoWorld
How, and When, to Deploy Serverless (
B. Cameron Gain, The New Stack
We’re open-sourcing ( etcdadm ( ! Here’s what it means for Kubernetes in production (
Arun Sriraman & Daniel Lipovetsky, Platform9
Why You Should Not Neglect Your Developer’s Kubernetes Clusters (
Puja Abbassi, Giant Swarm
Digging into Kubernetes 1.12 (
Craig Box, Google Cloud
Kubernetes 1.12 Arrives With TLS and Better Cloud Integrations (
Alex Handy, The New Stack
What’s new in Kubernetes containers (
Serdar Yegulalp, InfoWorld
Kubernetes Add-ons for more Efficient Computing (
Alen Komljen,
Kubernetes 1.12 Improves Cloud-Native Security With TLS Bootstrap (
Sean Michael Kerner, eWeek
KubeWeekly is curated by ** Ryan Quackenbush (
and ** Kaitlyn Barnard (