This past week yielded a great many new blog posts and Kubernetes integrations! CoreOS Fest also took place in SF and the Kismatic team blogged about the festivities.
CoreOS Fest in San Francisco on May 4th and 5th ( by Kismatic Blog (
Meetup Recap: Container Orchestration and Virtualizing the Docker Remote API ( by Kismatic Blog (
2015 Spring IO Barcelona – Spring-Boot Microservices, Container, Kubernetes How To ( by Ray Tsang (
Google Backs Rival of Docker, the Cloud’s Next Big Thing ( by Cade Metz (
Docker vs. CoreOS: A container battle worth waging ( by David Linthicum (
One Software Container To Enclose Them All ( by Timothy Prickett Morgan (
Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg ( by Adrian Colyer (
The rise, fall and resurrection of the private cloud ( by Derrick Harris (
Red Hat takes a stand against container fragmentation. With standards ( by Ken Hess (
Docker Networking ( by Michael Hausenblas (
Kubernetes Container Orchestration through Java APIs ( by Keith Tenzer (
Cloud Logging and the Docker Firehose (in two, simple steps) ( by Luke Benson (
Kubernetes with Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) on Google Cloud Engine (GCE) ( by Raghavendra Prabhu (
Ochopod + Kubernetes = Ochonetes ( by Olivier Paugam (
A First Foray into Kubernetes ( by Mark Petrovic (
AppC Support for Kubernetes through RKT ( by Craig McLuckie (
Deploying containers to Kubernetes with wercker and ( by Benno van den Berg ( and Micha Hernandez van Leuffen (
Deploying Go Servers with Kubernetes on Container Engine ( by Ian Lewis (
Meetups This Week
May 12th: OpenStack + Heterogeneous Docker Orchestration (#1) ( Reston, VA
May 12th: Web Developers Meetup ( in Seattle, WA
May 13th: OpenStack + Heterogeneous Docker Orchestration (#21) ( in Washington D.C.
May 14th: Run your datacenter like Google: Container cluster management with Kubernetes ( in Los Angeles