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Ambassadors are an extension of CNCF, furthering the mission of “making cloud native ubiquitous” through community leadership and mentorship.
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Showing 6 of 208 Ambassadors

Angel Ramirez
- Location: Delray Beach, United States
- Project Experience: Antrea, Argo, cert-manager, Cilium, containerd, Contour, CoreDNS, Crossplane, Curiefense, Dex, Envoy, etcd, external-secrets, Falco, Fluentd, gRPC, Harbor, Helm, Istio, k3s, KEDA, Knative, Kuma, Linkerd, Longhorn, Operator Framework, Prometheus, Rook, SchemaHero, Strimzi, Tinkerbell
Angel Ramirez is a Kubernetes Certified Administrator (CKA) and curator of the Kubernetes CKA exam, with expertise in cloud computing, infrastructure, cloud and software architecture, DevOps, security, team building, leadership, and community building. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Angel is a skilled practitioner and evangelist of cloud native technologies. Angel has founded the Hispanic Foundation of Cloud Native, which aims to empower the Spanish-speaking community to adopt cloud native technologies, and currently runs two Kubernetes community chapters with over 1500 members, making him a valuable asset and true Kubernetes Ambassador.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: As the Kubernetes Ambassador, I am particularly excited to help the LATAM and Hispanic communities learn and adopt Cloud Native and Kubernetes. Cloud native technologies have the power to transform businesses and individuals alike, and I am passionate about sharing this potential with as many people as possible. By empowering the community to embrace these technologies, we can create a more equitable and prosperous future for everyone. I am honored to have this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many people.

Jim Angel
- Location: Austin, TX, United States
- Languages: English
- Project Experience: Argo, Buildpacks, cert-manager, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CoreDNS, Dex, Dragonfly, Envoy, etcd, external-secrets, Falco, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Knative, ko, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, metal3-io, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Prometheus, Tinkerbell
I’m Jim Angel. I love solving problems and working with incredible people! I’m primarily involved with upstream Kubernetes (SIG-Release and SIG-Docs). Currently working on restarting our local Austin meetup and a Texas KCD. You can follow my latest projects at
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: It’s awesome to get to know so many great people and work with leading technology that’s responsible for changing multiple industries. The community that keeps Kubernetes open and welcome is a special thing, and I hope to maintain such standards myself. I also enjoy helping connect the folks using open source tooling with the resources they need to be successful, and being an ambassador keeps me connected.

Kohei Ota
- Location: Japan
- Languages: English, Japanese
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Cilium, containerd, Contour, CRI-O, Envoy, etcd, external-secrets, Falco, Fluentd, gRPC, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, KEDA, Kubernetes, KubeVirt, Lima, Longhorn, OpenTelemetry, Pixie, Prometheus, Telepresence, Tinkerbell
Kohei Ota is a Senior Field Engineer at Apple. He is a CNCF Ambassador and contributes to Kubernetes SIG Docs as the Japanese localization owner in the CNCF communities. He also organizes Docker Meetup Tokyo and CloudNative Days Tokyo; some of the biggest “container/cloud native” communities and conferences in Japan.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I’ve been involved with local cloud native community based in Japan. Unfortunately not many folks from Japan have tightened relationship with international community. I’m excited to be part of organizers of both sides and would love to help local experts become part of the international community!

Michael Levan
- Location: Mount Arlington, NJ, United States
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, Backstage, Buildpacks, CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s), cert-manager, Chaos Mesh, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CoreDNS, CRI-O, Crossplane, Emissary-ingress, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Flux, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, KubeEdge, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, Kubescape, KubeVirt, Kyverno, Linkerd, Longhorn, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Open Service Mesh, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, rkt, SPIFFE, SPIRE, Thanos, Tinkerbell, Virtual Kubelet
Michael Levan is a seasoned engineer and consultant in the Kubernetes and Platform Engineering space who spends his time working with startups and enterprises around the globe on consulting, training, and content creation. He is a trainer, 3x published author, podcast host, international public speaker, and was part of the Kubernetes v1.28 Release Team.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: The avenue that’s now opened to work with more people around the world. I’ve been giving back to the community, creating free content, and contributing to projects for 5+ years. I’m now excited to work with others who are passionate about doing the same.

Sebastian Scheele
- Location: Hamburg, Germany
- Project Experience: Cilium, Helm, Istio, Kubernetes, KubeVirt, Tinkerbell
Sebastian Scheele is CEO and co-founder of Kubermatic, a start-up with +90 employees that is one of the committers to Kubernetes, focused on developing open core software solutions for automating Kubernetes operations, at scale. Sebastian, a developer himself, has his finger on the pulse of where the Kubernetes landscape is going and is contributing many of his team’s resources to upstream K8s development. As one of the early pioneers in the cloud native ecosystem , he has helped hundreds of enterprises embrace Kubernetes to solve cutting edge challenges in both cloud and edge computing.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: As a CNCF Ambassador, I am proud to have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the cloud-native community. I want to contribute to the development of open-source projects, educate and inspire others through talks and content creation, and help promote the adoption of cloud-native technology.

Victor Morales
- Location: San Jose, United States
- Project Experience: cert-manager, Cilium, CNI-Genie, Container Network Interface (CNI), CRI-O, Envoy, Helm, Istio, Knative, ko, Kubernetes, KubeVirt, Tinkerbell, WasmEdge Runtime
Victor is a passionate Sr. Staff Software Engineer in the Samsung Open Source Group with nearly 18 years of experience in building solutions that are easy to use, scale and adapt. He is a regular speaker at technical conferences in LATAM Open Source communities. Co-chair of the CNF Working Group in the CNCF, and Co-founder of the OpenStackGDL, Cloud-Native El Salvador and Guadalajara communities. Active contributor to CNCF, LFN and Open Infrastructure projects and fervent supporter of the DevOps culture.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Besides the benefits that open source brings to the companies, fundamentally is people who fuel the innovation. Thanks to CNCF Ambassador program, I can be able to amplify the Latin America voice sharing their success local histories and distinct challenges faced by the region.