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Ambassadors are an extension of CNCF, furthering the mission of “making cloud native ubiquitous” through community leadership and mentorship.
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My KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA Chicago 2023 Experience
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November 22, 2023
Using GitHub apps with ArgoCD
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Showing 13 of 208 Ambassadors

Alvin Estrada
- Location: Guatemala
- Project Experience: Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CRI-O, Envoy, Helm, Istio, Krustlet, Kubernetes, Kuma, Prometheus, TensorFlow, WasmEdge Runtime
Tech and Community lover with more than 10 years of experience playing with software professionally. Engaged in cloud native since 2017 when he began learning about Kubernetes, it served as his gateway to the world of tech meetups. Since then, he has actively participated in and collaborated with multiple tech communities in Guatemala and across Latin America Actively collaborating with: Cloud Native Latam – CNCF Group Kubernetes Guatemala – CNCF Group Cloud Native Guatemala – CNCF Group Kong Meetup Guatemala TensorFlow User Group Guatemala.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Since I first started learning about tech, the community has played a significant role, and being part of a Cloud Native meetup I’ve been able to see how it creates great opportunities to meet people, learn from their experiences, get inspired and inspire others! I strongly believe that the community movement can make a difference specially on my region, helping us not just to improve our technical skills but also in how we interact, create and learn together.
Boer Technology

Ananda Dwi Rahmawati
Boer Technology
- Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Project Experience: Argo, Buildpacks, CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s), cert-manager, Chaos Mesh, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CoreDNS, CRI-O, Envoy, etcd, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, gRPC, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, KEDA, Keptn, Knative, Konveyor, KubeArmor, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, KubeVela, KubeVirt, Litmus, Longhorn, Network Service Mesh, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Open Policy Containers, Open Service Mesh, OpenEBS, OpenELB, OpenFeature, OpenGitOps, OpenMetrics, OpenTelemetry, Porter, Prometheus, rkt, Rook, Submariner, TensorFlow, Thanos, Vitess, Volcano
Ananda Dwi Rahmawati is a Sr. Cloud Infrastructure Engineer, specializing in system integration between cloud infrastructure, CI/CD workflows, and application modernization. She is a regular technical speaker who delivers presentations using real-world case studies at several local community meetups and conferences, such as Kubernetes and OpenInfra Days Indonesia, GNOME Asia Summit, LibreOffice Conference, and many more.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Becoming an ambassador is such a huge dream. I love to open-source and cloud-native projects, willing do more contributions and spread the spirit of open-source enthusiasts to others.

Bob Killen
- Location: Minneapolis, MN, United States
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), CoreDNS, Dex, etcd, Helm, Istio, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenTelemetry, TensorFlow, Volcano
Bob is a Program Manager at the Google Open Source Programs Office with a focus on Cloud Native computing. He serves the Kubernetes project as a Steering Committee member and chair of the Contributor Experience Special Interest Group and has been involved in many other cross-cutting areas of the project. Bob comes from an academic background, spending 15 years at the University of Michigan with a later focus on computational research. He is passionate about Academic Outreach, and is an outspoken advocate of Open Source, Open Science and pets of the furry 4 legged variety.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Just happy to be a part of the new program and help other ambassadors 🙂

Frederico Muñoz
- Location: Lisbon, Portugal
- Project Experience: Argo, Confidential Containers, Fluentd, Helm, Istio, k3s, Kubernetes, Prometheus, TensorFlow
Frederico started working with GNU and Linux in the mid-90s out of sheer curiosity, a decision that strongly influenced his life. Actively involved in the free software and open source community from early on, he made a path from programming and system administration towards data science, cloud computing and enterprise architecture. In recent years he has been actively involved in projects touching such diverse areas as Quantum computing, IoT, and analytics, and actively participating in the Kubernetes project as part of the Release Team, SIG Contribex, and others. He currently leads the Cloud and Architecture domain at SAS, for the South West & East Europe region. He holds a BA in Archaeology from the University of Lisbon, where he is an MA student and where he also took Physics.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I see being a CNCF Ambassador as a great opportunity to engage with others both in the technical aspects of cloud-native computing and in the many ways that those interested can become active members of the community. Cloud-native technology has largely been developed through open collaboration, and being an Ambassador is taking a step towards more visible participation in building the community – and learning from it.

Halil Ibrahim BUGOL
- Location: Istanbul, Turkey
- Project Experience: Antrea, Argo, cert-manager, Chaos Mesh, Chaosblade, Cilium, containerd, ContainerSSH, Falco, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Istio, k3s, Karmada, KEDA, Knative, KubeEdge, Kubernetes, Kubescape, KubeVirt, Kuma, Litmus, Longhorn, Nocalhost, Open Service Mesh, OpenEBS, OpenELB, OpenFunction, OpenTelemetry, Porter, Prometheus, Rook, Serverless Workflow, Strimzi, TensorFlow, Virtual Kubelet, wasmCloud
I started my career in a data center in Istanbul, Turkey. I have been interested in the CNCF world since 2018. Although my main areas are generally technical aspects, there were companies where I took part in community and product management. I am currently in the role of Co-Founder at Kubezy. Apart from the commercial side, we have been organizing events as Organizers at CNCG Istanbul since last year, together with my friends in Turkey. I am also a member of the KCD Türkiye team. I have a community role as Technology Evangelist at KubeSphere and KubeSphere Products.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I am in love with community and all things community. I have met so many people since I first joined the CNCF community. It is a great pleasure to contribute to this community with people from all over the world who believe in the same goal. One goal and hundreds of people contributing to this goal. I think my biggest excitement in being an ambassador is making new friends and representing my community in the best way possible. Also, ambassador swags are great 🙂

Harsh Manvar
- Location: Rajkot, India
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), CoreDNS, Envoy, Fluentd, Flux, Helm, Istio, KEDA, Kubernetes, Linkerd, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Strimzi, TensorFlow, Thanos, WasmEdge Runtime
I am a distinguished Docker Captain based in India, recognized for my expertise in containerization and cloud technologies. As a Cloud Innovator Champion, I’m committed to driving innovation and best practices in cloud computing. Additionally, i am a Top Kubernetes answerer worldwide on StackOverflow, demonstrating my dedication to fostering knowledge sharing within the global tech community.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Becoming a CNCF ambassador is thrilling because it means actively shaping the future of cloud-native technologies, collaborating with industry leaders, and bridging gaps in the tech ecosystem. It’s an opportunity to contribute to a global community that’s driving innovation and setting standards for modern computing.

Irvi Firqotul Aini
- Location: Singapore
- Project Experience: KubeEdge, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, NATS, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenCost, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Telepresence, TensorFlow, wasmCloud
Interested in open source, machine learning, compiler, and natural language processing. Exploring language parsing with Rust and R. Part of Shadow of Kubernetes Release Team 1.17 and 1.18. Shadow Chairs of Kubernetes SIGs Docs. Emeritus-Co-Chairs of Kubernetes SIGs Docs. Contributing in Kubernetes, Planout and Ax (Facebook), Google Cloud Platform and Google API (Google), Keras. Programme Committee at Helm Summit 2019. Programme Committee at Grace Hopper 2020. Programme Committee at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon APAC 2020. Programme Committee at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2020. KubeCon and CloudNativeCon Track Chair for ML & Data EU 2021 NA 2022. Track Host for CPPCon 2022. Mentor At Grace Hopper OSD 2022.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I’m thrilled to be a Cloud Native Foundation ambassador because it offers an incredible platform to advocate for state-of-the-art cloud technologies and best practices. Being part of this community allows me to engage with thought leaders, share knowledge, and contribute to shaping the future of cloud computing. Moreover, this role empowers me to bridge the gap between developers, businesses, and the broader public, fostering innovation and growth in the ecosystem.

Kunal Kushwaha
- Location: London, UK
- Project Experience: Argo, Buildpacks, cert-manager, Chaos Mesh, Cilium, CloudEvents, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, ContainerSSH, CoreDNS, Cortex, Crossplane, Dapr, DevSpace, Envoy, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, gRPC, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, KEDA, Keptn, Knative, KubeEdge, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, Kubescape, KubeVela, KubeVirt, Kyverno, Linkerd, Litmus, Meshery, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenCost, OpenEBS, OpenFunction, OpenGitOps, OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing, Operator Framework, Prometheus, Rook, SPIFFE, TensorFlow, Thanos, Vitess
Kunal is empowering communities via open-source and education. He finds passion in teaching and has taught thousands of folks online and in person. He is a developer relations manager at Civo, CNCF Ambassador, TEDx speaker and a GitHub Star. He is the founder of WeMakeDevs and also started the official Cloud Native Student Community group joined by thousands of folks, focussed on getting more young people involved in the ecosystem. In the past he has been a track chair of the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, Major League Hacking Coach and a Google Summer of Code mentor with Red Hat. YouTube: Blog: Community:
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I am a strong believer in the importance of diversity and inclusion, particularly in the field of cloud native technology. My goal has always been to facilitate the learning and onboarding process for individuals interested in this ecosystem. Therefore, I believe that becoming a CNCF Ambassador would be a significant step towards achieving this objective.

Matt Jarvis
- Location: Kendal, United Kingdom
- Project Experience: etcd, Harbor, Helm, ko, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, KUDO, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Prometheus, TensorFlow
Matt Jarvis is a Director of Developer Relations at Snyk. Matt has spent more than 15 years building products and services around open source software, on everything from embedded devices to large scale distributed systems. Over the last decade, Matt has worked in the cloud and cloud native spaces from OpenStack, Mesos and now to Kubernetes, and now spends most of his time thinking about security. Matt is a regular speaker at conferences across the world, including KubeCon, DockerCon, FOSDEM and All Things Open, a past winner of the OpenStack Outstanding Community Contributor award, and in 2021 was named one of the Top 100 influencers in Open Technologies in the UK. Matt is also a board director of OpenUK, and the co-founder of Cloud Native Manchester, Cloud Native Edinburgh, Kubernetes Community Days UK and the virtual Cloud Natives UK.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I’m excited to be a CNCF Ambassador as an opportunity to give back to our community, helping others to learn and contribute. I also want to expand the community in the UK and across Europe, continuing the awesome cross pollination between all of the local communities which we’ve built over the past couple of years.

Sagar Utekar
- Location: Pune, India
- Project Experience: Argo, CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s), Cilium, containerd, Falco, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, KEDA, Keptn, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, Kuma, Meshery, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Open Service Mesh, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Service Mesh Interface (SMI), TensorFlow, Thanos
Working as MTS3 Site Reliability Engineer at VMWare Software India PVT. LTD. Cloud Native Day Pune (CND Pune’23) Organizer Kubernetes Community Day Pune (KCD’24) Organizer Open-Source Enthusiast, A firm believer in the power of community education. Google Summer Of Code Admin since 2018, Mentor, Mentee 2022 @PEcAn Project GSoD, GSSoC, Github Externship, SIH mentor CKS | CKA | CKAD | Terraform Certified Mentored 10k+ students & professionals for free across India for career guidance, Job Search, Open Source, Cloud Native Docker & CNCG Pune community leader Enjoys photography, Acting, Teaching, Trekking, fitness
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I have been organising monthly meetups under CNCG Pune chapter, have been sharing my knowledge by speaking at different events, conferences, rural area colleges, schools, local meet-up groups to spread awareness and share knowledge about cloud native. By becoming CNCF Ambassador I will get more support, training, mentorship, guidance and rewards to build stronger community which will open wide door of the opportunities – to network with other community leaders, CNCF leaders and share my knowledge to wider audience. As part of CNCF Ambassador, it will give me opportunity to network with equally passionate Ambassadors from all over the globe. CNCF Ambassador gets support, mentorship, trainings, funding to host the events which will help me a lot to foster a strong community and upcoming events. It will give me the opportunity to promote Cloud Native technologies projects globally.
BRAC University

Shahriyar Al Mustakim Mitul
BRAC University
- Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Project Experience: Argo, CloudEvents, Helm, Istio, k3s, Kubernetes, Litmus, Prometheus, TensorFlow
I am Shahriyar Al Mustakim Mitul, and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering at BRAC University. I am also the organizer of Cloud Native Bangladesh. Moreover, I am one of the maintainers for the CNCF Glossary and Kubernetes localization Project. I do organize monthly meetups on the Cloud Native Bangladesh community group. You may join the Cloud Native Bangladesh community :
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: One of my goals was to become a CNCF ambassador because I had seen ambassadors develop their skills and assist others. I have been working to close the technical and community gaps up to this point. I now have more chances than ever as an ambassador to support my local community.
Ascend Healthcare and solution

syed asad raza
Ascend Healthcare and solution
- Location: Lahore, Pakistan
- Project Experience: Argo, Brigade, CloudEvents, etcd, Helm, k3s, KEDA, Kubernetes, Kuma, Kyverno, TensorFlow
Hi Team, I am DevOps and MultiCloud Engineer and happy to become a CNCF member to add some input to this journey.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: It provides a platform to connect with other professionals in the industry, share knowledge and expertise, and contribute to the growth of the community. As an ambassador, one can learn about the latest developments and trends in the cloud-native ecosystem and play a role in shaping the future of the industry.

William Rizzo
- Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Project Experience: Akri, Argo, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CoreDNS, Cortex, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Flux, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, Kubernetes, KubeVirt, Kubewarden, Kyverno, Litmus, Longhorn, metal3-io, NATS, OpenCost, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, TensorFlow, Thanos
I’m focused in helping customers designing, building, and running their Kubernetes and Internal Developer Platforms. I wore many hats in the IT world, Engineering, Pre-Post sales, Product Owner and Consulting. from HPC, Storage and Distributed Systems. I also enjoy volunteering at the Dutch Cloud Native/Kubernetes Meetup and the NL KCD. I have lived in many European countries and now Netherlands is the place I call home.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Being a CNCF Ambassador is the confirmation that my efforts towards the Open Source community are heading in the right direction. I’m excited to help the community and being supported and by the CNCF while doing it